Scent of Water
Homeschool Learning Community
Age 4 - 12th grade
"At the scent of water it will flourish
And put forth sprigs like a plant." --Job 14:9
Campus Programs
Our Annandale, VA campus is the flagship program of the Center for Redemptive Education. The homeschool support program, for learners aged four through high school, is called Scent of Water.
4-6-year-olds (Boots & Roots) and K-8th graders (Terebinth) meet three days per week. 9th-12th graders (Canopy) meet four days per week. Classes meet mainly outdoors on a beautiful, 18-acre campus, with indoor facilities available.
(Click here to learn about additional Redemptive Education-affiliated programs and schools in other locations nationwide.)
Scent of Water

(grades K-8th)
T-W-R 9 am - 3 pm
This program offers "the whole story for the whole child" to support home schooling families in their quest to align with God's design for their children. We see God's design for teaching and learning as Biblical, Relational, Integral and Experiential.
Qualified educators invite your child to engage deeply with the Creator and His creation. With a strong outdoor education focus, Scent of Water classes reflect all school subjects while also celebrating the "emergent curriculum" that springs from the interests, ideas and explorations of the students themselves.

(grades 9th-12th)
T-W-R-F 9 am - 3 pm
A project approach helps learners take ownership of their learning, as they realize that education has meaningful, real-world applications; education is not just an artificial steppingstone to the next level of education.
Internships with local experts, enterprises and entrepreneurs implement this real-world learning approach, offering students an opportunity to determine and explore areas of interest that they themselves choose.
What parents are saying...
"There is a delicious moment when we first pick up a new book and open its cover. And then let the story begin!"
-- Amy Imbody, MEd, Founder and President of the Center for Redemptive Education, from her book, Wind from the Sea: Essays in Redemptive Education.